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NexHT Cam Google app for below models:

86316 86318 86320 86314 86317 86319 86306  

If you are experiencing issues in finding or accessing NexHT Cam app in Google Play, please use the link provided below to download the APK file and install NexHT Cam app on your Android phone or tablet.
This is a known issue, and we have been in contact with Google to have it fixed in the next few days. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.


1. Click on the link above on your phone or tablet.
2. Download the APK file.
3. Install NexHT Cam app from the APK file. 
Note: It is common that you may be prompted to grant permission to install unknown apps on your device. Below are some screenshots for your reference.

Screenshot Operating System: Android 10
1. When prompted with a message similar to the picture below, select Settings.

2. Under Install unknown apps, turn on Allow from this source.

3. When prompted with a message similar to the picture below, select Install.

4. After installation is completed, select Open to run NexHT Cam.